Tuning Leaves

Tuning Leaves
Just Smile and The World Will Follow!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Where is My Mojo?

What exactly is it?


noun, plural mo·jos, mo·joes.
the art or practice of casting magic spells; magic; voodoo.
an object, as an amulet or charm, that is believed to carry a magic spell.
And why did it leave?  I need my magic charm!!  Darn it! NOW!

We all have those days when it just feels right.....the coffee was great, the dogs aren't fighting, mom is feeling good, the sun is shining, and life is good.

Then the days come where for the life of you, you can't remember why you wanted to make that frittata!  Oh, it is so frustrating.......it can cripple you and it is hard to break the cycle when it happens.

Food, sewing, organizing, even reading hold no interest to me.  Don't even mention exercise! Yikes! 

I have been so fortunate that I have this opportunity to stay home and figure out my little internet business.  I feel so overwhelmed by the "new" forms of social media, and learning about them.

I know that they are the way the world works.  I get that I need to embrace this fantastic technology and forge ahead fearless. 

I am torn by the need to be on the computer, reading, learning, trying to add these vital tools to Kiara Kisses, and my need to be sewing, creating products.  One is linked to the other, and that is how this will work......I still don't know what exactly Twitter is, I understand people tweet, but why?  What in the earth is this G+ thing?  Do I need to have a Tumbler page?  What about Pinterest?  Oh, and why in the world have I not created a Kiara Kisses Facebook page?

I have so much respect for people out there doing this everyday.  Being successful at it.  I understand the only way to learn is to do it, and stumble through the mistakes.

Part of the reason for the blog is to write.  Every day.  About whatever pops into my head.  The act of writing is so good for your soul.  It is an exercise for my brain and it helps to center my intentions for the day.

I think that at this stage in life, I am 54, there are so many new things that we are concerned about that never mattered before.  Aging parents, our own financial security, dreams never realized, our health, blah, blah, blah.........

The truth is all we have is today.  Yesterday is gone, thank goodness - it sucked, and tomorrow is not for sure.  Today I will work on getting my mojo back, step by step.

Quote for the day:
"It has not been, and never will be, easy work!  But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination."
Marian Zimmer Bradley

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