Tuning Leaves

Tuning Leaves
Just Smile and The World Will Follow!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dreaming of Horses!

I have so many things that I dream of for the future.  Some are short term, some long term, but ALWAYS, I have my big, wild dreams of what kind of life I will be creating in the next 20 years.  It sounds so silly when I write it, but if I am not visualizing and focusing on it becoming a reality, it never will.

 Horses will definitely be a part of it!

We had horses growing up.  I was into bonfires & surfers!!  Go figure.  I never realized what an awesome opportunity that was, until years later.  I do not know how to care for horses.  I am only capable of getting on one when they provide that little step, and I do not know how to ride.  BUT I am gonna learn!

It might not be this year or next, but I can feel it in my future.  Now, you all know this post has just given my husband a headache!!  He was just warming up to the idea of chickens in the spring!!  Ha, ha, such is life.

Meet Wayne!
Is he handsome or what? 
He is my friend's family's horse.  I think he is a Haflinger, which is a draft horse.
I just love him!
Look how strong!
These two were in a pasture!
I don't know their caretakers, but aren't they beautiful?
Having animals is so rewarding.  Having animals is so much work.  We only have 4 dogs & 1 cat, right now.  They bring so much joy.  Imagine having a full house.  Pigs, for meat,  dairy goats for milk, chickens for eggs & meat, rabbits for hair & meat, horses for love!  Sounds like a full time job!
I follow a blog called " cold antler farm".  I have followed her blog for years, even when we lived in Mexico.  She is a young woman with her own farm in the Northeast.  She is awesome.  You should check out her journey.  She is a powerful writer and inspires me so often.
Foxglove are in next years garden dream!
What are you dreaming of?
Quote for today:
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C.S. Lewis


  1. Wayne looks familiar. :)
    Keep on dreaming!! Don't you know... "When you give up your dreams you die." A quote from one of my favorite movies. Your wonderful posts have helped me get excited about my own dreams again. Thanks my friend!!!

    1. You are so welcome! Thanks for reading and supporting my dreams! Good things are coming to us, I can just feel it!! You have no idea how much you and your family have inspired me!
